
I would like to reach out to the public for assistance. The new street and bus loading/unloading area at the Middle and Highschool was a very well thought out plan. It was designed for the buses to enter Seminole Way and turn left into the drop and pickup area. This was designed to enable the buses to load and unload students without the dangers of other vehicular traffic. All other traffic was to enter the school via Shaw Street where they always have. There is a new entrance being built there and with the buses out of the way the traffic could flow on around the school and exit on Seminole Way. Students could be dropped and picked up around that loop and even in front of the Middle School. Somehow just before school started there was more added to the plan. Parents were encouraged  to drop as I just described and also to come in Seminole Way to drop at the intersection where the buses turn into the loading and unloading area. There are also people parking on Seminole Way waiting to pickup students after school. This is causing a lot of congestion (vehicle and pedestrian) at a very important location.  The first week or so there were some school personnel directing traffic but they have since gone. It wasn’t working well with the personnel directing traffic and it is worse now. There are cars showing up behind buses in the drop off and pickup area where the buses turn to get out. There are cars pulling up to Seminole Way, dropping students and then doing three point U-turns in the intersection all the while causing more congestion for the buses and everyone else. As you all know this has been a challenging start to the new school year. All the new construction, pandemic issues, virtual learning and such has the Administration Team at Clarke under incredible pressure. They are dealing with a lot of things out of the ordinary as they make the school function.  School Administration does not need me kicking and screaming to change things right now. We can fix this ourselves as a community. I am asking all of you to drop off and pickup of your students as it was originally planned. Drive into the school on Shaw Street. Drop off and pick up on the south side of the building. If you want to drop off and/or pickup near the Middle School doors just continue around the building and do the dropping and picking on the drive before you get to Seminole Way. As you are leaving and approaching Seminole Way please observe the stop sign. Note the buses leaving their drop and pickup area do not have a stop sign.  You are required to yield to the buses.  Please don’t stack up on Seminole Way waiting for your students. Far be it for me to tell you where and how to drive or park your cars. I don’t have the authority. I only want school transportation to be safe and efficient.  I know it can be confusing to someone new to the design. I hope that just passing the word and voluntary compliance we can smooth this out. Any questions I am easy to find. Bus Barn phone 641-342-4892. Ed Stoll Transportation Director Clarke Schools.